Recommended Reading

Ameritopia - by Mark Levin: This book, in my opinion, is one of the most important works of Political Philosophy in the 20th or 21st Centuries.

Capitalism and Freedom - by Milton Friedman: This book is short and easy to understand. It combines the basic tenants of economics and the free markets. It irrefutably displays how capitalism leads to the greatest amount of freedom and prosperity for all classes. Great for someone who doesn't know anything about economics as well as for the expert.

Think and Grow Rich - by Napoleon Hill: One of the most important books ever written (that is not hyperbole)! Originally published in 1937, and took over 20 years to complete the research and interviews. Napoleon Hill reveals the commonalities of the 500 most successful people of that time. If you read nothing else this year, read this book. It is short, fascinating, and practical. These secrets of success still apply today.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street - by Burton Malkiel: This book discusses the importance of indexing (an investment strategy of investing in indexes as opposed to particular stocks). An excellent book and a must read.

First Principles - by John Taylor: A fantastic and short book that discusses the need for a rules based economy. It shows when the founding principles of our country are followed (limited government, rule of law, strong incentives, reliance on markets, and a predictable policy framework) we are a far more free and prosperous as a society.

For Good And Evil - by Charles Adams: This books looks at history through the prism of taxes. It walks through the rise and fall of countries and empires and the effect that tax rates had on their prosperity and/or downfall.

The Road to Serfdom - by Friedrich Hayek: This book introduces you to all the reasons why socialism will inevitably lead to a totalitarian government. It was one of the most important works of the 20th Century in combating the spread of socialism.

Unwarranted Intrusions - by Martin Fridson: Another incredible book. This book shows how governmental intrusions into the market place, although often righteous in their intentions, always lead to inefficiencies and unintended negative consequences.

One Up on Wall Street - by Peter Lynch: A great book on investing. Teaches you how to find great stocks by just doing a little research. It may sound dry, but it is well written and very compelling.

The Big Secret for the Small Investor - by Joel Greenblatt: Greenblatt walks the reader through an easy to understand and short book that teaches you how to invest, where value comes from and how markets work.

Free to Choose - by Milton Friedman: This book was actually based off of a 10 part series on PBS aired in 1980. It covers numerous different areas and explains why free markets and deregulation are the best possible using historical and current (1980) examples. It is very easy to read and also not terribly long.

Second Treatise on Government - by John Locke: One of the most important pieces of political philosophy ever written. The Founding Fathers based many of their ideas manifested in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution on this treatise.

Liberty and Tyranny - by Mark Levin: Levin outlines how the modern day liberal agenda has infected every aspect of our society, undermining the very fabric of our Constitution. Not only does Levin identify the gross overreach of our government, but also addresses ways to counter this assault on liberty.

The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic - by Mark Levin: This book, the latest book by Mark Levin, is different from most other books available. Instead of simply exposing the gross missteps and overreach of government, it actually has an answer of how to correct the problem once and for all. His solutions are grounded in the American Founding, and his purpose is not to change the American Constitution, but to restore it to its proper reverence and rigor. A true masterpiece.

Atlas Shrugged - by Ayn Rand: This novel exposes the fallacy of thought that the modern liberal holds. It perfectly displays the shallowness of their understanding in economics, history, human psychology, and natural law. Rand, a champion for free markets and individual freedom experienced first hand Soviet communism, and wrote these books to expose how big government is oppressive government. A great wonderfully entertaining and captivating read.

The Conscience of a Conservative - by Barry Goldwater: This book, although very short, is an outstanding read. It lays out in easy to understand terms the foundations and rationalizations for the modern conservative (or more accurately put, the constitutionalist). Goldwater dives deep into the philosophy and experience of the founders and applies it to the 20th Century (all of which is still applicable, even more so I would argue). This book is an easy, must read!